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Posts tagged with: fitness

Hundred Pushups

Since I’m still on a TNT break, I’m continually exploring what else is out there. A few months ago, I came across a program called Hundred Pushups, which is a 6 week training course to get someone to do 100 consecutive pushups. Upper body marathon, maybe? I’ll give it a shot the Monday after Thanksgiving. Why Thanksgiving? I’m not going to hold back in Thanksgiving. Delicious homemade meals with family? I can’t say no! From that point, it will be about 8 weeks until the next marathon season starts, so a 6 week program would be a perfect fit for my schedule!

We’ll see how it goes – I will record my training on this blog (see? it’s much more than a running blog), and see my progress from there to see if this really works.

Want to try it too? Visit Hundred Pushups.