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Posts tagged with: etch-a-swim

Etch-A-Swim: Gossamer

A bit late on this one, but this Etch-A-Swim was from Sunday’s Hermosa Pier to Manhattan Beach Pier open water swim. Remember Gossamer from Looney Tunes? Well, that zigzag of a swim reminded me of his fur. Lemme tell you, that was probably one of the harder “Pier to Pier” sessions we’ve had because we faced a current going against us. It felt like a treadmill where I just wasn’t going anywhere! Water was clear too so that messed with my head as well! It took me almost 2:20 to complete! I really had thoughts of “What is happening?!? Will I be able to make Ironman Canada’s swim cutoff at 2:30? This is cutting it realllll close! Where is everyone? They’re all probably eating breakfast already!”

I came out of that swim pretty spent out of energy that I suffered on the run. It was even a flat run too! We had to do a 3 loop run of 4 miles each. Counter clockwise from the Strand to Woodchip, then clockwise, then back to counter again. That first loop was pretty much a Walk-A-Thon because I just didn’t have enough energy. I was pretty much doing 15:1 run:walk minute intervals then eventually 2:1. Second loop was better as I was able to do 5:1. Then the third, after having some Hammer Endurolytes from coach Brad and another Gu Roctane, I was able to get most of my energy back and ran for the most part. This was definitely a learning experience for me because my nutrition was waaaaaay off! I mean, almost 3 hours of back at the beach (20 minute run warmup then 2:20 of swimming) without nutrition, then continued on a run? That’s a recipe for disaster! I only brought 1 bottle of Accelerade, and some Gu. Once I was out of Accelerade, all I had was water. Not enough. Even I knew that. For some reason I thought we had SAG support to swap out, but we didn’t. For South Bay runs, we usually don’t. Now I know what to do. Unfortunately, it’s these miserable experiences that make us learn, and that I did.

Etch-A-Swim: Spaghetti

The day after we found out there was a Great White Shark in Venice, the team swam in Santa Monica. Saw a stingray though… wished the water wasn’t THAT clear on Friday! 2 more weeks until Canada!!

Etch-A-Swim: Beeker

Meep meep meep! This confirmed my straightest and fastest open water swim in 2 IronTEAM seasons! We started at Tower 26 in Santa Monica, swam 2ish miles to Venice Beach and back. THANK YOU Elisabeth & Donovan for guiding me south, then Holly D & Amy for guiding me back north (you can see when they swam ahead and lost my sighting in the end)

Etch-A-Swim: Fox

Ok, there’s no possible way this one is accurate, but hey I’ll go with it. It’s another open water Rorschach test from last weekend’s Vineman 2.4 mile swim. Looked like a fox to me!