One of the rules of Team In Training that caught me by surprise my first season was that ipods or other mp3 players were not allowed on the training course. I was so used to running with my ipod, that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it. I was wrong.
We had well over 100 people on the Westside chapter team that it would be ridiculous to run with an ipod and not meet and talk to people while you run. It actually made the runs so much easier and worthwhile. We were taught to run with a conversational pace, meaning, we should be able to run and talk at the same time, no matter what pace group you’re in. Because of that rule, I now have so many lifelong friends out of Team In Training.
Hence, the name of this blog. Running Without Music. I now run (except on a treadmill) without music.
So, what do you think ?