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IronTEAM Jeopardy

Tonight was our IronTEAM banquet, planned by our lovely Social Captain Kelly and Team Captains Dash & Luke at C&O’s in Marina Del Rey. Out of all my years in TNT, this one was probably the best team dinner event I’ve ever been to! So many factors played in that statement. I mean, it’s been a crazy 8+ month journey to where we are now, so the relationships that have formed with everyone is the strongest I’ve ever experienced in a team. I really love this team, I really do. Everyone is just so fun & really down-to-earth. We were talking memories of our first practices, memories of who brought us into the team, etc.

A huge highlight was IronTEAM Jeopardy, where our Social Captain, Kelly, a part of the Jeopardy Clue Crew, brought the actual Jeopardy buzzers & game custom filled with IronTEAM specific categories such as Heat 101, Hills, Staffers, Fundraisers, and more. The energy was so high, and it was crazy fun to play! After the game, they gave out raffle prizes such as water bottles, dry-fit shirts, and hats. We also presented gifts to our coaches for all the hard work they have done this season. I’d say this event was a huge success, and it’s times like these that really define what makes the IronTEAM. It’s not the races, it’s the bonds that people make with one another.

So, what do you think ?