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TOMS One Day Without Shoes

It’s great to be working for a company that recognizes and supports social good. We had an email today:

“TOMS Shoes (http://www.toms.com/) and their supporters are going barefoot to help raise awareness for the many children in developing countries who must walk barefoot for miles to school, clean water and medical help. On April 5, we have designated our conference rooms “no shoe zones.” Go barefoot in the conference rooms or wear your TOMS that day to show your support. ”

There’s all this crazy about barefoot running and whatnot, and you have to realize that it’s by choice. Many children don’t have a choice. It reminds me of Blake Mycoskie’s SXSW keynote where he told us the story of this family where one child had to wait for his brother to come home from school in order for him to use that same pair for himself. Sad, but I’m glad Blake realized this, and now his company is making such a huge impact in the world. Amazing stuff!

So, what do you think ?