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Sponsor-A-Mile, Alaska Style


A few months ago, my friend Michelle, from NY TNT, had a brilliant campaign, Sponsor-A-Mile. This season, I’m recycling that idea for my next TNT season. I’ve only been promoting this campaign and i’ve already filled up half the slots – a half marathon of sponsors, if you will. It’s really great because each of the sponsors follow up with an encouraging e-mail telling me of how much they have my back and love how I’m involved in the community.

What do you get if you donate $50 or more? Your name and/or business name and URL will be listed on my fundraising page, Running WIthout Music Facebook Group page, and on this blog’s redesigned front page. You will also get a Twitter update (to over 1,000 followers), a Facebook status update (to approximately 750), and a MySpace bulletin (to about 900). Since most of these broadcasts are going out to my close friends and family, expect to get several visits, because they trust that I don’t blast spam links, and most are curious who is sponsoring. I’ve been told from some friends that they like to see who has sponsored, and most have been something they show an interest in. It’s a win-win for a $50 donation, and if you look at it, it’s less than $10 a month in marketing, AND you’ve contributed to a good cause.

Please sponsor a mile today, and help save lives!

Here are the sponsors, so far (THANK YOU!):


So, what do you think ?