:::: MENU ::::

The #TeamMari Challenge


As you all know, from previous blog posts, Facebook and Twitter updates, my very good friend and teammate Kelly Miyahara made it to the final round of voting for Kona Inspired! It’s a contest by Ironman.com that gives athletes a chance to race Ironman Kona (2.4 mile swim, 112 bike, 26.2 run) this October. If she gets in, she will race in memory of our good friend, Marisela, who was tragically killed in a bicycle accident training for Ironman Arizona with Team in Training.

I believe Kelly has a very good chance of getting in, but there’s still a lot of work! Voting officially started midnight today and will last for 10 days until June 27. No registration or email required. Just a simple vote! How easy is that??

10 days of the same social media updates to vote can get pretty repetitive, so we invite you to the #TeamMari Challenge! For the next 10 days, we challenge YOU to do a simple workout in dedication of #TeamMari. It’s ok if you didn’t know her personally, or even any of us personally, if you believe in this cause, that’s all we ask. It could be as simple as 5 pushups, a walk around the block, a few mile run, cycle around the block, walk the dog, whatever. Be creative, be silly, we don’t mind! We just want to spread awareness of this contest, and you are the key to make this happen!

For example, this is what I did today: Swam during my lunch hour!


And this is what I posted on Facebook:

For the next 10 days of the Kona Inspired voting period, I’ll do a workout in dedication of #TeamMari. I challenge you to do the same! Today, I brought out my floaties for a lunch swim in this awesome weather! Please vote here every time I post! >> http://konakelly.com/

It just requires two things:
1) #TeamMari hashtag
2) Voting URL: http://konakelly.com

Feel free to post it to any social network you please: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, DailyMile, Myspace, Instagram, etc!

Simple, right? Day one is almost over, so we urge you to think about it, and join us tomorrow and help us promote!

If you’re not interested, thank you for considering anyway and reading this far in my blog update. We would like your vote at the very least, so please visit http://konakelly.com. (You may vote once every 24 hours, so please bookmark and keep voting. Thanks so much!!

Backbone Trail to Hondo Canyon


Last Saturday, I met with the Coyotes for the second time. It’s been a few weeks since my last run with them, but there’s been big events like the San Diego 100 ultramarathon last week, and other 50k’s. This time, we meet up by Topanga Canyon Blvd at 7:30am. I almost overslept and didn’t arrive until a few minutes before 8, when we planned to start running. Oops! Coach Jimmy went over the routes, which was a simple out and back for the 2.5 hour and unders, but became more complicated for the longer distances. I planned to do about 2ish, so it wasn’t a problem for me.

From the meeting spot to the Backbone trailhead, was about a mile, so we walked single file along Topanga Canyon Blvd to the start. Coach warned us of poison ivy along the course, which was plentiful, especially in the beginning. The first half was majority uphill, with maybe some light rollers in between. It eventually became single track trails with lush greenery.


For the most part, I ran with a new friend, Rachel, who is also taking it easy like myself, but coming back from a long injury. Sweet! No pressure! Everyone else seemed pretty fast, so we let everyone else go while we just chatted it up to make the run fun and perceived quick. There was also this one teammate, David, who finished the 100 ultra last weekend, and he “took it easy” this week. Yeah right, his “slow & easy” pace was wayyyyy faster than our fastest.


By the time we got tot the top, everything looked familiar to me. Wait a minute! It was the top of Stunt Rd, a popular spot for cyclists, car clubs, and motorcyclists. I remember doing a bike ride up this road last summer, training for Ironman Canada, and boy it was tough! And we ran it?! It was pretty challenging though, but in good company, it wasn’t actually that bad. There was also Krispy Kreme waiting for us at the top (I didn’t eat it though).


The rest of the run was downhill, so it was even more enjoyable! Met another teammate, Steph, who was also very fast, but we were able to get a conversation about work life, commutes, and baby seals in. Towards the end, I also met another Coyote, Jenna, who is fairly new to the team, but has a lot of good race plans towards the end of the year.


As you can see, it was nice and overcast. A little chilly, but I say perfect running weather! 8.5 miles in about 2 hours. All in all, another successful Coyotes run and looking forward to more!


Day One

Day one of my improved nutrition plan is in the books! It wasn’t as hard as I expected it to be. Sure, there was more prep the night before, and the morning of, but it was very manageable. Let me tell you about my previous morning habits. I would skip breakfast, or just go to the deli at work. Then sometimes, like yesterday, deliciousness like below magically appears in the kitchen:


Yeah, good luck with that! I usually have two, throw in some shmear, and done. Not yesterday! It took a lot to just say no to that. So having to prep even just breakfast was a big deal to me. Breakfast was easy though – I cooked up some organic steel cut oats (yum!), added some light coconut milk, then some raspberries on top. Delicious! But wait, there’s more. I actually prepared my lunch, and snacks that morning too! It doesn’t look that picture worthy, but here’s my lemon/orange marinated chicken on top of baby spinach and romaine, drizzled with Trader Joe’s raspberry vinaigrette.


For a mid-morning snack, I had two apples and some raw walnuts. All the morning meals fueled me well for the return of our work’s Lunch Run Club. It was our first meeting, so it was only four that ran. We went down Rosecrans to the Fry’s, which was the start of the Wood Chip Trail in Manhattan Beach. We did a little out & back by time, and completed a nice 3.25 miles.


After I showered up and returned to the office, on my way to the kitchen, I saw this:


Free for the taking. Nope, denied it once again! Bam! Continued to get my lunch, which was actually pretty tasty and filling.

Mid-day, back to our office kitchen, on my way to get my yogurt and fruit snack, I look to my left and see this:


Awww damn! Those M&M’s look soooo good! Nope! Denied that too! The Yogurt & fruit was also delicious – no complaints there! By 4:30pm, my boss invites everyone out to Happy Hour. Damn! Out of ALL days, there’s a happy hour at Day One! Happy Hours are common in our company though. I mean, we have a beer fridge AND a Kegerator. I did go down to hang out, but denied alcohol and all the other bar food. I also even denied an invite to eat some Ramen (one of my favorites) in West LA’s Little Tokyo area.

For dinner, I cooked up some ground turkey, sprinkled with some spices and garlic powder from Trader Joe’s. Toasted up some sprouted Ezekiel Bread, put a bit of TJ’s BBQ sauce on one bread, added some spinach, to make one turkey burger. It was actually my first time cooking ground turkey – I didn’t even know such a thing existed! For a drink, I had some sparkling lime water, and mashed up some raspberries in it for extra flavor. Sat back on the couch, then watched a little NBA Finals action.

After the game, I tried Flax Seed for the first time. It’s high in fiber, Omega-3’s, antioxidants, vitamins, and low in carbs. I was told to chug this plant wonderfood down mixed with juice, every night. It doesn’t dissolve easily, so if I just let it sit there, you’ll see it all collect at the bottom, so I downed it quickly. The juice flavor overpowered the graininess taste of the flax.

That’s day one, folks. As you can see, it wasn’t too strict and crazy. I don’t think it was a far departure from what I’m used to. I don’t expect to see results overnight, as I understand this is a process, like how when I’m triathlon training, I saw progress over time. I’m not going to blog every single day of this program, but I’ll post many firsts and some interesting tidbits I learn along the way!

Changing My Eating Habits


Just recently, I decided to hire a nutrition coach. Primarily not to lose weight, but rather to help me form healthy eating habits. Sure, I could read a book, watch videos on YouTube, but it’s that accountability from a coach, and application of this new knowledge that will help me learn.

I’ve never succeeded in any kind of “diet” plan. Maybe the closest to one was lent, where I would have to “give up” a vice for 40 days. I usually chose a type of food or alcohol. Candy, failed. Alcohol, failed. Beer, failed. One success was soda, which was back in college, and never really got back into the habit of going out of my way for soda. Actually, I’ve never been on Atkins, Weight Watchers, whatever, because I’ve never really needed to. I considered doing those juice cleanses, but after much thought, it wouldn’t change any of my habits.

This isn’t one of those diet plans. I don’t have to cut out meat. I don’t have to cut carbs. My coach doesn’t even want me to refer to this as a “diet.” I don’t even have to really focus on my weight, body fat %, or calories. It will eventually take care of itself. It’s more of a change of lifestyle. I will be eating nothing but organic foods, cutting out any processed food and sugar.

Why? Well, a lot of people I know end up changing their food habits after an incident. Incidents like a medical issue, reality of age, reality of a disease, etc. For me, fortunately, it wasn’t the case. I guess you could say it’s for preventative measures. I mean, I put only the best gasoline and the best oil into my own car, why not put the best fuel for my body? I don’t see myself quitting endurance sports anytime soon, so taking these steps now prepares me for a better tomorrow. I do believe this will help me with my overall daily energy as well.

The person who is going to guide me is Keira, a runner like myself, but a very fast, ultrarunner. She’s also the Race Director of my first 50k (Ray Miller) and first 50M (Leona Divide). I chose her because our active lifestyles are similar. She loves to run. I do too. She has such a friendly, caring, and outgoing personality that I trust her. She’s an overall good person who genuinely loves to help other people like myself.

I started this plan this week, and it all started with her asking me some basic questions about what I currently eat, my likes, and dislikes. I think I eat relatively healthy, but yes, there are many times where eating out is just easier. After I told her, she turned around and gave me a week 1 meal plan, a grocery list, nutrition notes, and optional recipes. It was custom to my liking, and quite flexible. At first glance, it doesn’t look too difficult to follow. The difficult part would be to do this for six consecutive weeks, especially with holidays, parties, happy hours and all that in between to distract me.

I was to start the plan today (Thursday), so the past two days were spent grocery shopping. As you can see above and below, it was one hell of a Trader Joe’s trip! Here’s my kitchen counter:


I also ordered some PlantFusion protein and ground Flax Seed on Amazon:


So the pieces are set, and I’m excited!

I just finished Day 1, and I’ll blog about that tomorrow, but so far so good! I look forward to cooking more, saving money, learning healthier options, and the beneficial effects of them.

(Also, if you’re interested in doing the same and getting a nutrition coach, I can pass along Keira’s info to you too!)

Southbay Sunset Run


Ah, just look at that – one of the benefits of running after work here in Manhattan Beach. Yesterday, we mixed up our usual by starting off with a run, then doing the 100 workout after. Again, leg lifts were still my weakest, but I actually felt much better in this order. We’ll try to mix it up every week. Maybe do double 100 workouts next?


Southbay Runday Funday


Check out this beautiful view of Manhattan Beach from the pier, on our cooldown walk from our South Bay run yesterday. Lovely! That is all.

When Things Don’t Go As Planned


A few days ago, we recieved word that the Mt. Disappointment 50k Ultramarathon has been postponed. This was posted on their website:

Due to a series of chronic and persistent health problems, our Race Director is forced to announce the postponement of the 2013 Mt Disappointment 50k and 50 mile races. We apologize for the late announcement but assure you that every effort was made to carry on with this year’s running events. We are planning on rescheduling the races in 2014. Those who have already paid will be refunded their race entry fees. Again, please accept our apologies and our invitation to join us next year. If you have further questions please contact Gary Hilliard or Fausto Rowlan.

The Mt Disappointment Staff

Oh wow, positive thoughts and well wishes out to the Race Director! That race was supposed to be my next one on the schedule, so this allowed me to think and refocus my priorities. As crazy as it sounded, it was a “filler” race to pass the time anyway. Almost everyone I talked to with previous experience of the race even warned me that it would be a difficult race, so I’m actually a little relieved. At first, I was thinking about looking for a replacement, but there really isn’t a need to. I should take this time to enjoy my “off-season”. I still plan to train with The Coyotes but I’ll focus on trail climbing skills, some speedwork, and maintain my run fitness.

I’m also registered for Rock N Roll Denver Marathon in October to mark state #11 / marathon #16, but just recently I got a “Save-The-Date” postcard for my good friend’s wedding in Palm Springs (200 miles away) the Friday before the race. Technically, it would still be possible if I did the wedding on Friday, drive to Ontario Airport 70 miles closer, fly to Denver super early, then did a turnaround trip to do the race. Possible, but would be too hectic. There’s no way I’m missing out on the wedding and post-wedding fun, maybe a relaxing day at the pool then more partying at night for a race. It’s all about balance. I’ll save my training and longer runs for 2014. The race will always be there.

So 2 races off the schedule. Delete. Done. Whew! So when things don’t go as planned, don’t stress. Take a step back, re-adjust, and everything will be alright.


Cheseboro Canyon Run

This morning, I met up with some old UltraTEAM alumni (Arkady, Carlos, Raul, and Tom) to run an unspecified distance at 10am. By the time we got there it was already in the 80 degree range. Oh boy, flashbacks of Leona heat!

I was prepared for 3 hours of running in my Nathan backpack/bladder, but because of the heat, I decided to do around 2 hours just to be safe. I missed this training run with the UltraTEAM last time because it was the same weekend as my first 50k, Ray Miller in Malibu. I was looking forward to it because I heard of the beautiful views. Unfortunately the best of the views were what is pictured above. Dry, dead grass. It was super hot and exposed, with birds chirping that sounded like the Smoke Monster from LOST. Not very motivating. You see, it’s supposed to look like this:

I had that picture in my head going into this run, then it wasn’t that. I guess you have your good days, and your bad ones, and this morning was the latter. You know it was a walkathon for me! The trail had some considerable rolling hills, so I practiced my downhill form and cadence. Tried to run faster on the flats, but for some reason it just wasn’t working for me. Ugh!

I turned around at the 1 hour mark, then at an hour and a half, I ran out of nutrition from my backpack! That’s supposed to last 3 hours! Well, I had a bottle of water in my front pocket (for splashing on my head), so I made do with that and Gu to hold me over til the end. So yeah, the heat definitely did me in this morning, only completing 7 miles in 1:45. Tough day, but another learning experience under my belt.

Big Weekend of Races & Training

It’s a huge weekend for many of my friends this weekend. It was too much to post in a simple Facebook status update, so I’ll explain it all here:

America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride – Tahoe, CA
The TNT Spring Cycle Team of Greater LA is heading to Tahoe this weekend for America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride, a century ride. My friend, Rommel Calderon, will be racing and is a mentor there and it seems like he’s found his endurance sports love! He was sidelined to run these past few years because of a knee issue, but I’m proud that it didn’t stop him there! He’s inspired many, and he plans to return to the cycle team as an assistant coach next season!

Comrades 54 Mile Ultramarathon – South Africa
My friend Kim Tull, who I met on the IronTEAM and continued to be co-assistant coach with her on the UltraTEAM is racing the world-reknowned ultramarathon, Comrades Marathon. It’s a 54 mile race with 18,000 or so runners from all over the world. Her bib # is 50778 and the race will start at 5:30AM South Africa time on Sunday. That’s 9:30PM our time on Saturday night. The cutoff is 12 hours or 8:30AM our time on Sunday with expected triple digit temperatures. Sounds crazy, but I’m so very excited for her! This reminds me, it was my friend Elsa, who tried to convince me to do this race and planted the very first seed of ever doing an “ultra.”

Ironman Hawaii 70.3 Triathlon – Kona, HI
Can’t believe a year already passed since Hawaii 70.3. As tough as the course was, I had A LOT of fun as a racecation. I went with the IronTEAM, as it was an official race for some. Rocky (but amazingly clear) swim, humid and crazy windy bike & run, but very very beautiful! This time some of my non-IronTEAM friends are racing. Christine Rivera, who I’ve known since high school, called me crazy for doing these 70.3 or 140.6 races, and look at her now, addicted, and doing this race too! Brothers Jon and Christian Yance are triathlon beasts and I recently met them through mutual friends. Jon raced this last year, and he’s back for more. So jealous I can’t be there!

Rock N Roll San Diego Marathon
My friend Emily Osterstock, who I met at a tech-meetup in Santa Monica years ago when I was first running in TNT, is about to run her first marathon with her Santa Cruz local TNT chapter. I remember when she first messaged me asking about the organization with many questions about fundraising, the training, etc and look at her now! She initially was going to do the half marathon, but I kept quiet, not really pushing her and decide on her own. I secretly knew she was going to switch, and she did! Also very proud of her, as she seems to be having the time of her life training! Go Emily! Also, this race was my very first marathon back in 2007. It’s a huge TNT-supported event with purple jerseys everywhere. It’s going to be one super fun event for her and the rest of TNT. Go TEAM!

Vineman Training Weekend
This weekend is also the annual VMTW (Vineman Training Weekend) for TNT’s IronTEAM and Triathlon teams. The IronTEAM is in the middle of training for Vineman Full and Ironman Coeur d’Alene, so they will be pulling some huge numbers (Sat: 2mi swim, 100mi bike, 3mi run; Sun: 20 mi run). Triathlon team will also rock some relatively huge numbers for their team as well training for Vineman 70.3. It will be weird not being there since I was there these past two years, but I know it’s always a good time plus it helps teammates become confident and comfortable coming into their race.

TNT Marathon Team – Fall Season Start
Sunday is the first practice of the Westside Marathon Team (I believe all other greater LA teams as well). This one in particular is special to me because it was my very first TNT team I trained with, plus the head coach Chris Wilno, returns after a “break”. I dunno if you call a “break”, doing an ultramarathon and an Ironman, but I guess I did the same thing! Oops! There’s a lot of TNT alumni returning as assistant coaches like my friend Lori and my old mentee Aubrey. Also other friends, Becky, Maura, Petty (Iron & Ultra alumni too), and many others are returning. I used the most of my willpower not to come back to this team, as it was very very tempting, I really do need to take a TNT break, as I have some big plans for next year. Very excited for them though, and I wish them all the best!

What else?
Sounds like I’m missing out on a super fun weekend! I’m just here hanging out in my house, personal day off, with not much to do! I’m loving it though! I’m already caught up with the new season of Arrested Development and I’m doing some chores here and there. Looking forward to tomorrow though! The Coyotes have a weekend off, but I’m back with the UltraTEAM doing a run in Cheseboro Canyon in the Thousand Oaks area in the morning then our official reunion BBQ and kicking off a teammates training to a 100 mile ultra! I’ll be enjoying a nice, cold beer and delicious food! Yum!!

Oh yeah, and did you know today’s the last day to vote for my friends Kelly & Amy into Ironman Kona? Voting ends 8:59PM PST!!
Kelly — http://bit.ly/konakelly
Amy — http://bit.ly/konaamy

Kona Inspired: Kelly Miyahara

Kona Inspired: Kelly Miyahara

A few weeks ago, you all got to know my friend Amy, who is in the contest for Kona Inspired to race Ironman Kona in October. Today you get to know my other good friend Kelly Miyahara. I’m sure you’ve seen her video that I’ve been promoting this past month. If you haven’t, please check it out (and vote)!

Kelly is one of my closest friends and I’m honored to be her teammate 2 years in a row, first of which she was doing Vineman 70.3, then just last year we both raced Ironman Canada. You see, she’ll never admit this to your face, but she’s a celebrity. A very humble, super friendly, funny, thoughtful one. I didn’t even know she was part of the Clue Crew of Jeopardy until 9 months had past! We’ve shared many memories, all of which have bonded us so close that I consider her one of my best friends and I would take a bullet for her. Of the many happy memories, we also shared a very sad one. One of our other close friends, Mari, passed away from a terrible bike accident on PCH last October. As tragic as it was, we all try to look for the meaning of it all, the brighter side, and Mari has always inspired us to go “all in.” So that’s what Kelly is doing. She is going all in by trying to get a spot in Ironman Kona by submitting a video and racing in Mari’s honor and memory. So please, also get to know her a little more by reading my little interview of her:

How did you get started with triathlons?
I friend recruited me to join TEAM in Training’s L.A. Triathlon Team in February 2010. I figured since it was for a great cause (benefitting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society), I couldn’t refuse! Shopping for gear was daunting and expensive, as there is a lot of gear necessary for triathlon, but I assure you, it was worth every penny! From successfully getting a swim cap on for the first time, to relearning to ride a bike with clips, every step meant a new adventure. Being part of a wonderful cause and meeting some of the best people on the planet changed my life forever. I also discovered my knee was capable of so much more than what doctors told me I couldn’t do anymore. So, this was just the beginning.

Since then, I have completed 3 seasons with TEAM in Training. I have raised over $30,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and have finished more than a dozen races. Best of all, I am now an Ironman with the most incredible group of lifelong friends/teammates.

Do you have a name for your bike? Is there a meaning behind it?
My bike’s name is Estella. Why Estella? Well, I love the show, “Modern Family” and I think Sofia Vergara is not only gorgeous, but hilarious. I adore the French bulldog on the show, and Gloria calls her “Estella”. The dog’s name is actually, “Stella,” but because of her accent it comes out “Estella.” I thought it was a cute name, and it makes me giggle.

I got Estella in February of 2012. She is the “upgrade” I promised myself after committing to train from my first Ironman. Estella is a white & grey Trek Madone, with pastel pink accents. While most women may be thrilled with the feminine touch, I was hoping for a something like a matte black bike with lime green or cobalt blue embellishments. However, much like in life, I don’t judge based on one’s color, so I accept Estella as she is, and love her all the same. =)

Have you ever gone through a mental slump in training? If so, how did you overcome it?
Thankfully, I am pretty tough mentally. Sound funny, but I thank my injuries for that. I grew up playing sports, but along with sports, came injuries. I’ve recovered a broken arm and 3 knee surgeries in my days of soccer and softball. Since I started triathlons, I have also added a crushed vertebra, herniated disc, spinal slip & dislocated shoulder to rehab from.

It’s always soul crushing to be side lined, however I have learned to focus on being patient and not rushing a solid come back. It is often frustrating, and can be hard to stay positive at times, but while training for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, it was easy to remind myself of those I train for. No sports injury could compare to the challenges so many cancer warriors face while battling the disease. It’s all about perspective, positive energy and determination. Whenever a training day gets really tough, I just remind myself to be thankful that I am healthy enough to train at all. It works like a charm! Set your goals high, allow yourself to be motivated by something bigger than yourself, and dedicate yourself to being inspired. The slump will be merely a bump to move past.

What’s your favorite thing to do in transition before a big race?
I don’t really have any real rituals. …although, I’m always eternally grateful if I can “go to the bathroom” when I wake up before heading to a race. Sorry, is that T.M.I.? After getting all set up, I find myself triple checking that I didn’t forget anything. In addition to getting a mini jog in, or a lil’ jump up & down session, I try to just spend my time talking to teammates, chalking a transition area with fun pictures or inspiring words, and just reflecting on the fact that all the hard work pays off now! Race day is the after-party, so I just remind myself to enjoy every moment and have fun!

You’ve had more than a year of experience training for triathlons, especially for an Ironman. I also know you have busy lives outside of training. How do you balance all of that?
It’s all about balance and dedication. Ironman training is demanding, in terms of time and physical energy. The world goes on whether training or not, so I try not to let it consume my life entirely. I travel a lot for work, so I’m often doing advance research to discover nearby gym, pool or running path options.

I have learned to be flexible and to make the best of any situation, no matter where I may be. I have swam in circles in a tiny motel splash pool in Arkansas while trying to avoid disturbing the kids playing “Marco Polo.” I’ve hooked up resistance bands to a small ship deck while traveling along the Mekong River because swimming in the river behind the boat was not an option. I have run 9 miles while circling a parking lot because I was the team’s “stay back” to watch over the bikes, but needed to get a run in.

Again, it’s all about time management, dedication, and utilizing the resources you’ve got. Having a good attitude and being willing to make the best of it all, helps too! I guarantee creativity will keep training interesting and your devotion will make it most fulfilling!

What advice would you give a newbie who is interested in starting to train for a triathlon for the first time?
I could go on and on here, but I’ll stick to the basics. If you want to do an Ironman, know what you are signing up for and then commit to it! For your first one, definitely join a team to train with if you can. Having a support network of people who understand what you are doing (because most people, will just think you’re nuts) is really awesome. Long training days are a million times better when you’re not out there alone, not to mention, safer, in case you have a rough day.

Training hard and being devoted isn’t always easy. If it was, everyone would do it! If you are true to yourself and your training, you will be rewarded with an awesome race day! When I say “awesome,” I don’t necessarily mean in terms of time. I simply mean that you will be able to have big dumb grin on your face for all 140.6 miles while truly enjoying the experience, like I did. J The Ironman race is just one day, but the training lasts for several months! Make the best of it all. As my dear friend, Mari, once said, “All in means all in.”

What is your ultimate favorite food (non race-related)?
While training, ALL FOOD is good. I didn’t get the nickname “Nom-Nom” for nothing. J However, if we’re talking ultimate favorites? If you say, “Chocolate ice cream, anyone?” I’ll say, “Me, please!” It’s been my favorite since I can remember! If your Coach or your tummy frowns upon a cone after a long training day, then I recommend Fluid Recovery – Chocolate Wave! You can thank me later.

UPDATE: She made it to the final round! A new URL is created — Now please watch her video & vote! — http://konakelly.com.
